foremost eternal blessing of God to mankind even before the world began
is fruitfulness. Soon after man’s creation the very first blessing that
God imparted upon man was the blessing of fruitfulness. Gen 1:27,28 “So
God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto
them, Be fruitful.....” God spoke His divine ability into man. What is
this ability? All he requires to be fruitful is the supernatural ability
to release all the hidden potential in him. And what is this potential?
That is all the latent energy, dormant ability, untapped resources, and
undiscovered abilities. Whatever any man requires being his best in
life was invested in him from creation waiting to be discovered,
harnessed and developed. So when, the Creator said “be fruitful” He
simply means, receive the ability to be your best, to bring forth fully
and succeed fully in all you are meant to bring forth in life. He has
invested His abilities in you because you are created in His very image
and what you contain is phenomenal. In the same vein, what you can bring
forth in life is nu-imaginable
by any human mind. According to the
Oxford advanced leaner’s dictionary to be fruitful means producing many
useful result, producing a lot of crops.
Let us Consider the
original concept of the Creator in Gen. 1:11,12 “And God said, Let the
earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree
yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth:
and it was so.” God created everything with hidden ability to fulfil
itself. The seed of everything is in itself to produce after its kind.
In you is everything you are meant to be in life. Look at these:
every seed there is a forest; in every bird, a flock; in every cow, a
herd; in every girl, a woman; in every boy, a man; in every man, a
This is amazing! Every great tree was once a seed.
Similarly, in every seed is a generation of trees and it’s by products.
Every nation was once in the loins of a man, which means that in every
man is a nation with all its industrial, economic and all other
resources thinkable. Fundamentally, people commonly limit fruitfulness
to the ability of a woman to conceive or bring forth a child; that is a
total loss and abortion of man’s whole potential and destiny. God
introduced man into the earth with potential to become all he is created
to be. Unfortunately, Adam fell out of grace; which would have amounted
to abortion of potentials or the future generations of mankind, but for
God’s eternal purpose, He repackaged man’s destiny to be sustainable
through generations by striking a covenant deal with man. He promised to
care for Abraham and his descendants in every way – spiritually,
socially and economically – Gen 17:6,7 “And I will make you exceedingly
fruitful, greatly so, and I will make nations of you, and kings shall
come out of you. And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and
your seed after you in their generations for an everlasting covenant,
to be a God to you and to your seed after you.” We are Abraham’s seed
and by covenant we carry all the impartation of all God’s blessing that
He spoke forth from creation i.e. BE FRUITFUL. This simply means that
you have everything you are created to be or to achieve in life inside
you. You can become great because you have the destiny of greatness, you
can live a buoyant spiritual life, you can succeed, prosper, marry,
give birth, pass your exams, fulfil your dream or prosper in anything
you lay your hands upon according to God’s will. There is nothing you
wish to get, do or become right now that you do not have the capacity to
achieve; as far as God is concerned.
The very basic truth you must
establish is that you are fruitful, you have all it takes; the
circumstances around you notwithstanding, the doctor’s report,
notwithstanding. There is power in a covenant particularly with God. It
is a binding force. Covenant commits God to do whatever He says He will
do. Naturally God will not say what He will not do, much more when it
involves a covenant; it becomes very binding. Abraham was already over
90 years yet still expecting a child. Meanwhile, God had struck a
covenant with him; God had no option than to give him Isaac and the
generation that followed, in Gen. 22 God swore by Himself; since there
was no higher state He could swear with as it were, there is a covenant
on ground for the fruitfulness of every saint that is binding on God; if
that saint will recognize it and position well for the benefits. Listen
to Psalm 89:34 “I will not break my covenant, nor change the thing that
has gone out of my lips.” God says you are fruitful, it does not matter
what the state of your body or circumstance is, when you agree with
God’s divine programme, your body or circumstance has no option than to
adjust to Divine agenda.
The second truth we must establish here is
to locate the terms of the covenant and keep your part; as God will
never break His part, Deut. 29:9 “Keep therefore the words of this
covenant, and do them, that ye may prosper in ALL that ye do.” The
covenant has enough provision for every area of your life; but until you
fulfil the terms of the covenant you cannot enjoy the provision.
According to the above scripture find out the covenant or scriptural
demand for: success, prosperity, promotion and every other area of life.
If you locate them and be committed to obeying them; then, no hell can
contest you breakthrough of fruitfulness.
Basically, when a man
marries, he has to have carnal knowledge of his wife to expect any
conception; so, in every sphere of life, there is a man’s part and God’s
part. When you do your part; the deal is struck and the benefit is
yours. God has always done his part and is only waiting for man to do
his. The covenant will produce anytime, anywhere and for all who have a
covenant relationship with God, especially if it is with understanding
that God our creator ushers us into His season as our season of
At last everything about you will begin to produce the
desired results. – Zach. 8:12. It is time to service a productive,
fruitful relationship with our God. A life of total obedience to
scriptural instruction and covenant demands. WELCOME TO YOUR SEASON OF
Bishop Dickson A.O
Senior Pastor