Wednesday, 2 October 2013


One trade secret of destiny is integrity, no matter how glorious your destiny, without integrity life becomes meaningless. There are certain values in life you cannot do without. How far you have gone not withstanding; without them you have not started. No matter how much you have acquired; without these values you have acquired nothing. For instance, the bible says: Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding (Prov. 4:7), you have nothing until you have wisdom. I discovered that wisdom is one of such values. The difference between the rich and the poor is not necessarily money but wisdom. Give money to a foolish man, the amount and the currency notwithstanding, he will mismanage it and still remain poor. But, give the same opportunity to a wise man; he will become rich by it.

Life is not all about success. It’s more of how you attain your success and how you stay steadfastly successful. Success is not just achieving what you want, but wanting it after achieving it. This is what brings fulfillment. No wonder a very well-respected man was asked the secret of his outstanding success, he said number one is integrity, number two integrity and number three integrity.

 Truly, integrity is the bedrock of meaningful existence. What marks God out and differentiates Him from man is His un-changeability, His uprightness. He is constant irrespective of any change; anytime anywhere. You cannot fault Him. He never fails, He is always who He says He is. That is God’s integrity. He is ever trustworthy, reliable and dependable. Every man needs this virtue to amount to anything outstanding in any field of life.


Integrity is the soundness of moral principle, character of unchanging virtue (especially in relation to truth and fair dealing). It is uprightness and honesty. It is again the quality of being upright in character. So, character developed is destiny recovered and character corrupted is destiny ruptured. A destiny you have invested a whole lifetime building can crumble in just one day for lack of integrity.

 A man’s talent or gifting can lift him; but only integrity can keep him up there. Unfortunately the liftings, successes, and blessings of many have become their undoing because they lack integrity. The strength of your character and uprightness (integrity) is your rescue and shield from evil and corruption.

 The canker-worm invading many believers in the church of Jesus today is moral decadence. People tend to change with unhealthy changes in the world system. No wonder God seem not to trust many with success or breakthroughs. You can’t eat your cake and have it. You better be upright and get it right or the struggles continue. God is seeking for people who are transparent, reliable and dependable. Men and women of high moral excellence whom He can trust with His resources – His goodness, liftings, wealth, position etc; people who will still remain upright in spite of any kind of blessings or lack of it. There are such examples as Daniel, Joseph and a host of others in the scriptures. Jesus our perfect example was on earth and lived a life of integrity. If it is this same Jesus you have accepted you cannot but bring forth the fruit of integrity. The nature of God you possess is the nature of uprightness, honesty or moral excellence.

 It is time to begin to manifest this divine nature of God which we posses. Our world is seeking for reliable and dependable people, a people of strong character. This is one of the core values of Royal Destiny Ministry Int’l.

We must begin to build up integrity for the kingdom.

What are the benefits of integrity? (Num. 23:19, Jn 8:29)

1. It provokes God’s unchangeability and faithfulness.
2. Connects you to God’s (and man’s) favour, goodness and blessings. You can be blessed, rich, lifted and still be upright.

3. Guarantees success.

4. Keeps you on track

5. Preserves from evil and corruption

6. Make you reliable and trustworthy.


 1. Total dependence on God and the Holy Spirit: No one lives a life of uprightness in the energy of the flesh. Gal 5:16-17, 1 Cor 15:10

2. Live a word-ruled life

3. Keep company with the upright – Prov 13:20, 1 Cor 15:33

4. Personal Discipline and determination. – Dan 1:8

With these keys God expects you to have a life of integrity. That is our Kingdom life style. With it you can access un-ending uncommon blessings from man and God. The power of integrity is set on motion to deliver to you its benefits.

By the reason of all God has programmed to this season; he has designed the month of October to be our month of INTEGRITY.

By prophecy the season shall witness major surprise packages, scriptures will be fulfilled in your life. God will be doing the incredible to validate the unchangeabilty of His promises. It shall be our season of settlement indeed. As you live for Him; He will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.
                                                                                                                   BISHOP DICKSON A.O
                                                                                                                   Senior Pastor