Tuesday, 3 September 2013


No success comes by chance, neither does any man fulfills destiny by accident. The truth is that every man created by God is meant to succeed and to fulfill destiny; but unfortunately not many really do.

No matter a man’s predestination there are certain keys and life principles he must discover before he can realize his full potential. Whatever looks to you like success today that come by chance, you are likely going to loose it by chance, so there are certain fundamentals keys every man will require to access life benefits and equally remain sustained.

One of such principal value is INTEGRITY. It’s the bedrock of destiny.

Our God is a God of integrity, to experience and enjoy the God of integrity, you need to have integrity. God is an upright God. He never changes under any kind of situation, He remains God, pressure or pleasure, and He is still God. Number 23:19”God is not a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent, hath he said and he shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken, and he shall not make it good?”

That is the uprightness and character of God. He succeeds before starting any venture. He will not say one thing and do another, neither does He say what He will not do, everything else may change but God abides faithfully and unchanging through eternity; that is integrity! The earlier scripture says God is not a man that He should lie or change.

Natural men lie and change. But if we must excel and remain on the winning side like our father and creator, integrity must be our bedrock. “Can two walk together except they be agreed? - Amos 3:3. How can you relate with the God of integrity except you are a man of Integrity?

What is Integrity in the practical sense?
Integrity is sticking to what is right in spite of any circumstance, positive or negative, pleasure or pressure. It is pleasing God under all circumstances without any compromise.
Integrity is standing for the course of what you know to be right at any cost. Friend integrity is the foundation, builder and sustainer of every out-standing success and destiny.

God has no problem lifting and blessing any man; but what sustains the lifted man? How does he stay blessed in the question? Integrity is the answer. Many here made shipwreck of their glorious destiny for lack of integrity. Many have dashed the great business opportunities given to them by God, some have lost their dignity by reason of some sort of breakthrough or success, simply because there is no corresponding character. Others have dripped out in the face of trials or life challenges because there is no moral stamina to keep them from faltering. This is why many never go far.

Talent, gifting or anointing can raise a man; but it will always take integrity or good character to keep him lifted. In the bible, Daniel purposed in his heart with the kings food and he ended up the most preferred of the three presidents in the entire kingdom.

For integrity Joseph fled from the wife of Portiphar who offered herself to him on a platter of gold and Joseph ended up a prime minister. Prov.11:3 “The integrity of the righteous shall preserve him” God always sought for a man He can trust to empower. We are a people born in due season. This end time, by prophecy we know that the wealth of the gentiles is already being transferred to the church of Jesus and God is also preparing a people who shall be capable of handling unimaginable volume of wealth, who will not sell one for any honor or lifting, people who will not care in the face of trials and pressure of life, people who will not be corrupted by the corrupt society of whatever level they find themselves.

Integrity must therefore be cultivated and given prominent place in all ramification of our lives- in word and deeds. This is the secret of genuine and lasting success in life. No matter your status, level or achievement, until you build integrity for yourself you are yet to start a meaningful life in earnest. The church Jesus is coming to rapture is one without blemish or wrinkle.

Integrity is the qualifier no matter the level of affluence.

By reason of the prophetic agenda of God for this season, it has become very glaring that God is about doing certain stupendous things and He must have a people prepared for it. I trust that as you position yourself for this deluge you will begin to experience outstanding success and breakthrough in every sphere of your life.

In this fifth month (5 representing grace) that God by His grace is ushering us into a strange dimension of favor (Grace is unmerited favor) where favor will be bringing all our desired miracles and expectation without any more stress and delay.

It’s upon this premise that this month shall be our month of INTEGRITY.
As you position yourself accordingly; an everlasting door of success, breakthrough and all life benefits are opened to you! Welcome to your season of favor and blessing.

Bishop Dickson A.O
President RDC Int’l.

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